For the last four years, I’ve had the pleasure of working as the lead programmer for an amazing e-learning company named Xcelerate Media. I can’t tell you the excitement I had the first time I walked the halls during my interview there. Seeing all the workstations after hours and imagining the creativity that must take place there during the day. I wanted so badly to be a part of that.
I thought my interviews had gone really well, especially when they called me back for a second time. But, then I didn’t get the job. Until they called me about 4 months later. I was ecstatic. A self-taught programmer/designer and I finally got a chance to run with the big boys. I made some amazing friends that I hold dear to this day. Seven months ago, I said goodbye to the corporate world to follow my dreams of building my own multimedia company, Infinite Impact, with my brother Tyler. But for today’s post, I want to look back at one of the great perks of working at Xcelerate. The location.
You see, Xcelerate Media is situated in the historic downtown of Dublin, OH. We had our office on the second floor and when we were a smaller company almost everyone had a window seat. It was pretty awesome. If you needed a break, you could walk downstairs, and about 100 paces away was Starbucks, another 20 paces and there was Jeni’s Ice Cream.
For a while, I was totally satisfied with the charm of the little town setting, but eventually I started actually exploring. And wow, there was a lot to find. That’s what this thread about Dublin will be covering. Over time, I will post more and more interesting aspects of Dublin – some that I found during my time of employment, others that I’ve discovered only recently.
Now, I wish I could tell you how I first found it, but my memory is pretty shoddy, so I would be lying if I tried to recount exactly how it happened, but the first place in Dublin I want to share is the little park just under the bridge on 161 that crosses the Olentangy. I had never heard about it before, and I think I may have just gotten some Donato’s ( as I would do nearly everyday (I highly recommend the Personal Beef Mariachi) (Hmm…can I do parenthesis within parenthesis…. you bet I can!)) and perhaps I was just going for a stroll when I saw the sign pointing down to the park. Either way, I made my way down the new wooden steps recently constructed under a very gothic looking concrete bridge down to a park situated on the edge of the river. It was so secluded. So peaceful. It was the perfect lunch time destination. I had many a Mountain Dew sitting on some rocks with my feet only inches from the water of the Olentangy rolling by silently beneath. Good times. For now, I only have few aerial photos to share with you, but I will definitely return and get some ground shots to fill out this entry.
The Park Down Below
Flying Underneath the Bridge
Down on Dublin