Ever since I was a child, I have loved exploring. There is something about being Indiana Jones in your own adventures that could take your normally mundane surroundings, and turn them into something magical, something exciting and beautiful. That’s what this site is all about.
As an adult, I find myself living in Columbus, Ohio. Now let me tell you, Ohio gets a pretty bad wrap on a lot of accounts from our weather to our sports teams. You don’t often find us in National Geographic. But you know what? Ohio is awesome. I was born and raised here and I still love it. I even went to Florida for college, met my future wife (born in Miami, FL) and brought her back to Ohio! Crazy, right? Not really. Why? Because Ohio is actually pretty cool. But honestly, everywhere is pretty cool, no matter where you are. See, I’m an aerial photographer, but I don’t fly traditional planes or helicopters. I fly remote-controlled multicopters, sometimes referred to as drones. This allows me to travel and take aerial photos and panoramas no matter where I am (mostly), and every time I do, I see how beautiful things look from a higher perspective.
Ok, now that introductions are out of the way, on to some photos. These first shots were taken at Pleasant Hill Dam in Mohican State Park. We had gone to Florida for Thanksgiving (pics coming soon), and I met my brother half way between our houses to drop my dog off with him. I figured, hey, why not make the trip extra worthwhile and see someplace I’d never seen before. On the way to our meeting point ( a really cool Covered Bridge), I passed through the Pleasant Hill Dam area, and I’ve got to say, it might have been the most epic thing I’ve ever seen in Ohio. So I had to take some shots. Without further adieu, I give you Pleasant Hill Dam. If you haven’t visited this place, you need to. Its pretty great.

Some very cool pics Mike.You do good work.
Thanks, Jim!
I’m inspired! Love the pictures. Great presentation. Well done.
What are you flying?
Thanks so much, Paul. I really appreciate that! I fly a DJI Phantom Quadcopters as well as a DJI F550 Hexacopter. I recently purchased some new cameras that will boost the image quality. Now to just get them flying!